The First Sustainability Report issued by the Global Reporting Initiative for 2019 Helwan Fertilizers Company proudly announces its first Sustainability Report in compliance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).
This report summarizes all the company's activities throughout 2019 as a leap towards a new success milestone along the company's journey.
Helwan Fertilizers Company has voluntarily chosen to disclose the impact of its operations on the three pillars of sustainability using the global reporting initiative (GRI) tools as the basis for the release of its first report.
Furthermore, Helwan Fertilizers is always committed to applying sustainability thinking across aspects of its business by smoothly integrating environmental, social, and governance dimensions into the company's policies, procedures, processes and culture.
The term "New Horizons" has been chosen as the title of this report to express the journey of HFCs towards sustainability from the beginning to the envisaged future with a focus on environmental, community, and governance performance.
Thus, the stakeholders of Helwan Fertilizers Company have prepared the content of the report to tell others about our success story, which the company is much honored to present.
Our main goal is to maintain the cleanliness of the environment surrounding the plant from all types of pollution, and for this purpose, the Environmental Affairs Agency takes periodic samples to make sure and to ensure that the percentage of emissions from the plant does not increase beyond the limits allowed by law. Thus, an electronic self-link of these emissions was made with the Environmental Affairs Agency through the national telecommunications network so that the percentage of these emissions is permanently monitored by the Environmental Affairs Agency and all of them comply with the Egyptian Environmental Law No. 1994/4, as amended by Law No. 2009/9. ISO 14001:2004 Helwan Fertilizers Company is proud to announce our successful registration of the ISO 14001-2004 environmental management system.
Helwan Fertilizers Company is proud to announce that we have successfully earned the registration of the quality management system ISO 14001-2004
Helwan Fertilizers Company believes in social responsibility, so we do not isolate ourselves from the surrounding environment.
Therefore; we are strongly and continuously committed to the development of our society.
We focus on all issues related to the development of education, health, facilities, roads and other community services by holding summer internship program, starting from the first of July until September.
We will accept groups of students from different faculties to provide engineering and science students from various disciplines with the basic skills and information required to join the job market after graduation Some of Helwan Fertilizers Company's contributions in equipping El-Tebbin Hospital